Garden Greens

Garden Greens l Rainbow Belts x Banana Pre-roll l 1g

Sativa hybrid THC: 22.7%


Photo of Garden Greens l Rainbow Belts x Banana Pre-roll l 1g

Garden Greens l Rainbow Belts x Banana Pre-roll l 1g

Lineage: Rainbow Belts x Banana

Rainbow Belts has sedating qualities so it’s best to enjoy this strain during the evening hours. The flavor and aroma of this strain may remind you of sweet and fruity candy. Patients choose Rainbow Belts to relieve symptoms associated with insomnia.

Mixed with Banana strain, this flower offers effects that become prevalent in the face initially and gradually starts to emerge in the head and in the back of your eyes. User can expect to feel tingly, and also relaxed and clear minded. Not too mention it smokes really smooth.


  • Calm
  • Energetic
  • Happy
  • Relaxed
Photo of Garden Greens l Rainbow Belts x Banana Pre-roll l 1g